Liberty Tree Foundation

Foundation for the Democratic Revolution

Left Elect


From impending climate catastrophe to the renewed assault on working class living standards, we don’t have time to waste on the status quo, lesser evils, and token reforms.

The richest 1% may own the two major parties, but the past year has seen an uptick in left electoral activity. From Kshama Sawant’s election as an open socialist on the Seattle City Council to the numerous other socialist and independent left campaigns in Chicago, New York, and elsewhere throughout Fall 2014 and Spring 2015, interest in a working class alternative is growing.

Minnesota Alliance of Peacemakers

Our Mission: "To strengthen the effectiveness of the peace and justice community in Minnesota by enabling member organizations to share their resources, insights and ideas and devise cooperative strategies to accomplish common goals."

Citizens for Global Solutions, Minnesota

OUR VISION: We envision a future in which countries work together to abolish war, protect universal human rights and freedoms, foster sustainable development, and solve related problems facing humanity that no country can solve alone. This vision requires the involvement of informed world citizens to create and maintain effective democratic global institutions that will supplant the law of force with the rule of law while respecting the diversity and autonomy of national and local communities. 

The Workable World Trust

Promoting a better world through transforming the United Nations and other institutions of global governance. The Workable World Trust Mission Statement: The Workable World Trust seeks to devise, promote and disseminate ideas conducive to the establishment of a “workable world,” a world in which: the rule of democratically established, binding law supplants the law of force; people, not states or monarchs, are recognized as the ultimate source of sovereignty; global problems lead to ecologically and economically sustainable global solutions; the good of

Alliance for Global Justice

We support locally-based grassroots organizing by sharing political analysis, mobilizing for direct action, monitoring the centers of corporate and government power, expanding channels of communication, and sharing skills and infrastructure. Our commitment to solidarity and to non-hierarchical democratic process enables us to respectfully listen and respond to each other within the movement.

Alliance for Democracy

ALLIANCE FOR DEMOCRACY is a new Populist movement --- not a political party --- setting forth to end the domination of our economy, our government, our culture, our media and the environment by large corporations. THE ALLIANCE brings people together to build a progressive populist movement to end the corporate domination of our economy, our government, our culture, our media and the environment. It is time to end corporate rule.

Get on the Democracy Track

Liberty Tree’s major work in 2006 employed local democracy to develop a new program area, Democratizing Defense. Liberty Tree provided legal, media, and other key strategic support to organizers in Wisconsin, Illinois, Massachusetts, and California who wanted to bring the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan home by placing anti-war ballot measures on municipal, town, and county ballots.

DC: A People's Uprising: From Madison to DC

Bringing the inspiration of the Wisconsin protest wave -- from the occupation of the state's capitol to the recent national Democracy Convention in Madison -- to the planned October 2011 occupation of Freedom Plaza in D.C.: 

