In honor of Earth Day to May Day happening April 22 through May 1, this month's Liberty Tree News brings you tools for empowerment to help us all push back against a president, a government, and an economic system that threaten our future.
PROTEST LAWS - Understanding some of the basic laws that affect people taking part in nonviolent civil disobedience is important when organizing and participating in actions. Cornell's guide to the First Amendment not only outlines the freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution concerning religion, assembly, expression and the right to petition, but also highlights relevant cases establishing how it has been applied legally. The Library of Congress has prepared a brief summary of the right to peaceful assembly in several countries including the U.S. that sheds light on the international laws that govern and protect peaceful assembly.
DEMOCRACY CONVENTION III: August 2 - 6, 2017 - Early bird registration is now open for Democracy Convention 2017 taking place at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities in Minneapolis. Register before April 1 to receive a t-shirt at the Convention! Make your organization or business an official Sponsor to be listed on the website and promoted at the event. Visit for more information and email to get involved. Click here to register.
Your tax-deductible contribution is urgently needed and will fund the grassroots organizing happening right now to build the movement for system change and people power over corporations here in the U.S.A. . . .